For some time now, I have found a bar soap that effectively attends to my primary skin problem which is keeping my acne at bay. However, impulsivity hit me and I bought another soap of the same brand to test and compare its performance on my skin.
SOME BY MI has become a well-known Korean skincare brand when, from what I can remember, they created an online buzz with their 30 Day Miracle skincare set and a lot of beauty influencers and skincare enthusiasts uploaded their reviews on the products. Hence, I was intrigued, then immediately convinced of the promising reviews so I bought my first bar soap.
I decided to purchase the V10 Pure Vitamin C Soap due to its brightening and radiant effect on the skin and also the use of natural ingredients (not to mention, their little experiment on their video advertisement that really made me buy it). Initially, I expected that this soap will give me what it promised to do and will also take about 2-3 months to consume.
First try, I was amazed by its instant brightening effect after lathering it on my face. It wasn't drying and felt that my skin was completely cleansed even without using a cleanser brush. A week has passed and I was beginning to be unimpressed by it due to three reasons- 1. The brightening effect is only after every wash, 2. My face looks oily, not dewy-looking oily, but really oily especially on my forehead, and lastly 3. The soap easily runs out. I do not have any before and after photos to display the progress as it did not have lasting effects on me, although I should have kept some documentation still.
The soap did brighten my face only after cleansing. I expected it to lighten up my acne scars even just to a minimum amount because it contains Vitamin C, which helps with pigmentation, but unfortunately, it did not work. Also, I hated that my skin turned out oily afterwards and sometimes caused breakouts. Additionally, unlike the Miracle Soap bar which I can keep for 3 months, the V10 Pure Vitamin C Soap only took me 2-3 weeks to use the whole soap.
Will I repurchase? No, I think I would just return to using the Miracle Soap Bar and stick to it to meet the needs of my skin. In general, the V10 Pure Vitamin C Soap did not give significant improvement to my skin, although it grants complete cleansing and removes dirt off your face.
I will try to post more reviews on the products I will be incorporating to my skincare routine, as well as the new products I'll be trying for the first time. If you got any questions or comments, you're free to drop them below in the comment section. 'Til next time! :)
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