30 January 2016

2015 was a great warm up. Are you ready for 2016?
Every year, a lot of netizens are tweeting/posting 'New year, new me!' , 'Better be the year I ...' , and 'This is going to be my year!'. But are they really making a move to make this year their year?

Below are simple ways that I think will definitely help you to make 2016 your year. 

1. Write them down!
I find so convenient and it made my life a lot easier. I can keep my class schedules, deadlines, family gatherings and even my dental appointment in one writing! Planners and also to-do lists (another important factor) are made for a reason- to organize your messed up life! (Kidding haha!)
 Better get a planner now so you can accomplish your tasks right away! 
Planner: Stradmore Blogberry

2. Save up!
It's better to start saving when you're still young. Shopping is (and will always be) fun! But it's more satisfying buying the things you want with your own hard-earned money. Also, it helps you to budget your money. When my mom gives me my allowance, I always keep half of it and I don't bring it to school so I won't spend it. Oha cha ching tips! Hahaha.
 I'm (not yet) rich. Uh-huh!

3. Find time to exercise
Find time? I think it's better to MAKE time. Despite your busy schedule, we should make time to move and sweat. Taking care of our body is a must so we should do proper exercises to keep it well.
 I am following Kayla Itsines on Instagram. She is a bikini body trainer and helped several women to achieve their 'body goals'! I've downloaded 7 free days of her bikini body guide. I've tried it before and I stopped at day 4 because of uhhh errands? Hahaha but I must say that it was really helpful and effective. Here's the link of her free week trial if you want to try it :
Be motivated! Achieve your body goal!

4. Try something new
At least every month, try something new. Something unusual, something you're afraid to do, something you're not ready for. As far as I can remember, last week of December, me and my sister started baking mini cupcakes. See, it's like stepping out of your comfort zone. There are a lot of things to try. Yep, you can also try baking, or make a blog!
Why not try yoga? (Oh look at that gif! My Chris Evans ♥) I will be more excited to try yoga if he is my partner oopps! Hahaha fangirl101!

Or chop your hair short.
And now that is hair goals. Not me but the women on the picture below HAHAHA

5. Be with the people that makes you happy
The people who will help you make this year yours. The people who will be with you til the next years. Keep your circle small. It's better to have few friends that are real that having a huge circle full of fake peeps. (Some WOW from Angel Milca hahaha)
People who will help you accomplish the things I've listed.
People you can be awkward and weird with.

Stop tweeting those 'new year, new me' posts ans start moving girl!(or boy) and make each year your year!

 Disclaimer: All photos are NOT mine unless otherwise stated.

1 comment

  1. Make 2016 your year.-
