Yesterday, I went their to finish my Christmas shopping. I was so excited to see the collection, the arrangement, the whole interior and all. When I finally arrived, I was really controlling myself not to enter the store because I was waiting for my friend, you know we want to 'shop together.' But of course, I can't hahaha- the urge to go inside, goshy. I was just surprised that they don't have H&M Home which made me a bit sad, because I like their classic, clean and minimal home accessories. Also, I've noticed that they do not have a second floor. So it was a bit kind of maze haha! Like "Mama, asan ka na?"
Me and my friend were so busy lollygagging that's why I only have few photos. I still took the chance to snap some because of H&M's lighting. (Like, who doesn't even love it?)
Inside the fitting room:
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